A perfect day....
We started out by going to Target for some pool items. The pool opens this weekend and we needed new "big girl" toys, beach towels, and lotion. I had fun walking up and down the aisles talking about summer with her, and seeing her face light up when I showed her the Dora beach towel I was getting her. She is such a little girl now!
We then went to the mall to play. Not shop. Just play. We went to Giggles & Smiles and she had the absolute best time. She went from the ball pit to the slides to the race cars faster than I could keep up. We weren't tantrum free... but that didn't seem to matter. Her smiles as she went down the huge slide all by herself was worth every second.

We then shared some lunch at the food court, then rode the merry-go-round to cap off the trip. She loves that ride, and I love the squeals that come from her as we go round and round and round.
Once we got home I hoped she would sleep, but she fought her nap for an hour. I gave in, and instead of hiding in the bathroom from my sleep deprived toddler, I got out her bathing suit and started to blow up the pool. While she happily played with the sidewalk chalk on the back patio, I filled the pool and got everything ready.

The second she hit the water she was in love. What a difference from last year! Last year she was just this blob, sitting in the water making tiny splashes. She was all over the pool, playing with her toys, licking the water, getting in and out all by herself... she was in her glory. And I loved laying on the towel watching as she just enjoyed the sunny afternoon.
We hit her wall shortly after... and she is currently asleep. And looking back, today was great.
I stress a lot being home with Kirsten and feeling like I
filled her day with fun and educational things. I want to be a good mom, and feel pressure from all of those other amazing mommies out there to keep up. I feel like I have to be able to bake cookies, do a load of laundry, think of a fun craft to do with her, and have dinner on the table all at the same time. In reality, that is never true, but when you start to stay at home, it becomes that little voice inside your head.
I think I earned my gold star for the day.