I was puked on twice today. Yes twice. My sweet little girl felt the need to toss her cookies on me at 8am this morning, and around noon. Both times happened in the middle of feeding. And both times she aimed her little sharp shooting spit-up straight down my shirt. So bra, shirt, and pants all got covered! lovely. I haven't dealt with this amount of throw up since college... and even then at least the person apologized.
Watching your child throw up is honestly a surreal experience. Last week when she did this it came pouring out of her nose. It was a like a horror movie. White, gooey, yucky, chunky stuff came pouring out of her mouth and then like a fountain shot out of her nose. She didn't appear too bothered by this, but me being a first time mom, began to cry and scream for Todd to get a wash cloth. We cleaned her up, soothed her, and she fell asleep. and I sat beside her and stared at her while she dreamed. I have since been worried that this will happen at night and I won't know.
Today she appeared to not want to sleep at all. She would doze off and I would think... "YES! I can take a shower!" and the moment I put her in her pack n play or swing her little blue eyes would pop open and she would call me back with a howling scream. I basically held her all day, except for when I sponge bathed myself after she threw up all over me.
I have been wearing the same sweat pants as I always wear, yoga pants from Target, and my hair is crusty from her spit-up. I suddenly had images of the commercial where the mom has knotted hair and kids running around her, pulling on every limb. She then is able to shower am use this shampoo which makes her hair long and luxurious. The message is that you don't have to look frumpy just because you are a mom. But my question is... who is going to watch my kid while I shower and style my hair to look that way? My dog certainly doesn't seem to be game for it. So I guess I am doomed to sweat pants and crusty hair for the next few months.
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