I discovered picky sticky while cruising around my favorite message board, the bump. All of the ladies rave about them, and I saw so many cute pictures of babies with these stickers on their onesies. I knew immediately, like most products, that I needed it RIGHT NOW!
I ordered them through Etsy.com and it was a simple process. They had various stickers, for boys or girls or neutral. I ordered the girlie ones, and waited anxiously for them to come.
They came within a week and I could not wait to use them. I had also bought Baby Legs at Target, and wanted to put the whole outfit together. These leg warmers are amazing. They are soft, wash well, and Kirsten is always comfortable in them. They fit her fine now, but I also like that they have room to grow. One size fits all, and for my kid I think she will use them for a while!
Kirsten is obviously over a month old, nearly 7 weeks to be exact, but I really wanted to get a "1 month" photo. I figured, whatever we won't know the difference anyway. So I put the sticker on her shirt, put on the leg warmers, picked out a cute head band, and sat her up in her Summer Infant seat!
The photos are beyond cute and I love that she cooperated! She giggled and smiled and allowed me to take about 25 pictures! I have such a good baby!
Links to products:
Picky Sticky
Baby Legs
I've been wondering what those things were. I wish I would have known about them before my daughter was born. I guess I'll get them for #2 eventually.
cute! I am so happy that you got them on time. On my fourth attempt and with insurance they finally arrived. yay!
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