Saturday, August 4, 2012

Let me take this moment.... reintroduce myself.

 Guess what folks? I'm back. And not in the half-assed way I was before. Okay seriously, this blogging stuff is hard work! I give you all props for doing it more consistently than I do! But blogging and working 40 hours a week proved to be a lot for me. But guess what? I miss it! I miss it so much! I miss the community and the ability to get those crazy words out of my head. They need out!!

 I'll update with a better and more specific post about what has been happening in my little world, but for now, let me leave you with this...

 ::aheam:: We are 15 weeks pregnant with baby number two!!! S

o it's a good time to start blogging again right? I thought so too.

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