Once inside the room that is when everything just fell apart. She saw the nurse and knew the jig was up. This was not something that would be fun and exciting as I had tried to explaint o her. No, this was going to be terrible, and she wanted to get out ASAP.
Kirsten 4 Month Stats:
weight: 12.5 lbs
height: 23.4 inches
Basically Kirsten is doomed to be a shorty like her mama! Sorry kiddo!
The shots went as well as expected. She screamed from start to finish and no matter what toy I shoot in front of her, or what song I sang, she screamed.
The doctor advised us that he wants us to only do rice cereal for now, twice a day and then adding a lunch time meal when she is ready. I was sort of confused, because she loved her sweet potatoes so much. I figured, as long as she doesn't have a reaction and wants to eat it, then there is no problem. He said he wants to wait on veggies or fruits for her until 6 months!
Once we got home Kirsten wanted to show us that she is not that demon child that took over her body at the doctor's office. She was really great and happy, which was good because some babies can have bad reactions to shots. To show us that she is a big girl she decided to sit for about 2 minutes by herself. And me, being the super photographer, captured it!
She fell asleep around 7:30pm (a lot earlier than usual) and was up and ready to party around 3:30am. So I joined her party, and we both passed out around 5:30am.
All in all it was a good doctor's visit. I'm over being upset about the whole solids thing. Maybe I did push her, and maybe she is ready. We will try the rice cereal when I can convince my husband that it is a good idea to keep practicing it with her. Untul then, I'll just enjoy my little 4 month old girl!
Look at her sitting!!! Big girl!! John just falls forward, it's so cute. Haha. And like I said, don't feel too bad, it is not that long to wait anyway. We were given the go ahead, but John in muy gigantico (almost 16 lbs and 26"). I was even yelled at for feeding him more than once at night! So basically, I am overfeeding him with the high calorie breastmilk and should give him rice cereal to fill his tummy better. I felt crappy after his appt too.
Our pedi office has a fish tank as well.
Our office is on McKnight Rd. Wonder if we go to the same one.
You shouldn't feel bad. I've seriously seen a mother feed her 2 month old baby food, so you didn't do anything wrong. Just follow her cues.
I guess if she's thriving on her formula, than no real need to rush the solids, right? Although, I do somewhat disagree that you should stick with rice cereal for so long before introducing anything else. We started with oatmeal (skipped rice because Lily is prone to constipation), then shortly thereafter introduced applesauce, then squash, then pears, then peas... etc. We basically did a week on one food before trying a new one. That seemed long enough.
However, we had issues that necessitated introducing as much solids as possible as early as possible. Lily stopped growing due to her severe GERD. She just couldn't thrive on formula, because she took in so little, and what she did take in, half would come back up. So, we introduced solids at the very beginning of 3-months, which honestly seems crazy in retrospect! But, she was failing to thrive, and it was doctor recommended. And it worked. She threw up a lot less. We started introducing table foods at about eight months.
As moms, we usually know the best thing for our kids. We're that ones that see them every day and all kids are different. Doctors can offer suggestions and general guidelines, but I tend to believe that moms know best, ultimately.
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