I always go through my laundry list of past boyfriends and think, "Oh God why did I date that LOSER?" But maybe I had to date that loser in order to find my wonderful husband?
Before Todd I dated someone who was incredibly abusive and an alcoholic. Did I mention that on top of those wonderful attributes he was also addicted to gambling? I dated this gem of a guy for about 7 months. I
Those 7 months were absolutely terrible, with a sprinkling of a few nice moments. (I did my dog from him after all). He stole money from me, treated me like a servant, and never did anything out of the kindness of his own heart. I cooked him dinners, drove him around, sat at bars while he gambled away hundreds of dollars (sometimes large chunks of my paychecks).
I remember one time I had the flu, barely able to keep my head up let alone hold any sort of conversation or sit in a bar for hours. But where was I? At the bar, with my head on the counter, waiting as he spent 4 hours gambling. He was in another part of the bar, as I sipped on orange juice and got sympathetic looks from the bartender, and would text me to bring him another beer. A beer on my dime. About 12 beers in, and $200 lost, he decided it was time to go home. We walked out of the bar, or should I say, I carried him out of the bar. We got into my car and I listened for the twenty minute car ride about how I am a terrible person because I "judge" him for his decisions. I never said a word, but me sitting at the bar looking miserable gave him the impression that I was silently judging him for being an alcoholic who gambled way too much.
It wasn't until a few months later, when he ditched me at a wedding that I decided I needed to move on. Funny thing is, I never cried. I did not shed one tear for this guy. Moving past him was difficult though. I figured it would be easy, considering he was so horrible. Why wouldn't it be easy to move on from someone who sucked that bad? But his damage was done and I was left a hollow shell of a person. I started going out, a lot. I was obsessed with being friends with everyone, and being someone that everyone knew. I worked out all the time and became obsessed with my image. I wasn't myself, but I was getting attention, and that was all I needed.

(this was me, who was I?)
About 6 months later I met my soon-to-be husband and everything changed. I slowly but surely got myself out of that dark hole and became the person I was always supposed to be. I look back and wonder if all of this mattered. If all those "friends" I made were genuine (my guess is no) and if I really did look beautiful. I look at photos from that time and think, "Is that seriously me?" I am so different from that person, so far removed. I give Todd a lot of credit for pulling me out of that period of my life, but a lot of it was my own will power. I wanted to become a better person, and so I did. I got a job as a nanny, finished school, and we moved in together. I started to enjoy simple things and nights in, instead of having to constantly be social. I started to read more often and work on who I was on the inside. We would sit on our deck and talk for hours about nothing at all, and that was amazing to me.
I have come such a long way since dating the boyfriend before Todd, and I can't even imagine still being on that path. I look back and wonder if any of that even happened. It did, and it happened for a reason. Going through all of that made me a stronger person, and made me into the mother that I am today. I want Kirsten to know that people will come and go into her life, and even though she will suffer from many broken hearts, to hold out, because her true love could be just around the corner. And I hope she never under estimates herself. I was so weak after dating that guy, and was even weaker in the aftermath, but somehow found a reason to lift myself up and make myself better.
I've lurked for awhile now and have never commented. But this was really inspiring! I went through a SERIES of not great guys (although none as bad as yours) and now I look back and think "what was I thinking?" But I guess everything works out the way it's supposed to right?? Anyways, enjoyed your post and love reading you!
Wow, what a story, Erika! So sad that anyone ever treated you like you were disposable. What a dick.
You've always been beautiful, no matter how much or how little effort you've put into it. But, more importantly, you're kind, smart and really funny!
I'm a believer that "all things happen for a reason." Maybe I have to believe this because of an unsavory past of my own, but I do believe that we go through everything we do in order to become who we are meant to be. Greg and I often discuss what it would have been like had we met in high school. Even though we didn't attend the same school, there were several times where we could have met, but didn't. But if we had, would we be here now? Would Lily? I wouldn't want my life to be any different than it is right at this moment. So, I know that everything must of worked out right :-D
What a wonderful honest post.
I am sorry that anyone ever treated you like that. Even though it was clearly his own issues the were so damaged, I can still understand how it would leave you feeling damaged in the end. I hate to look back on it, but I have my own realtionships like that. They hurt!
I am glad you found your husband, but most importantly, youself!
Ida Mae@treeswillbend.com
I dated someone that should have just remained a friend. I was lonely, and it seemed like a good idea at the time. It brought us both down, and it led me down a path that I really did not like. I met my husband in Poland while on exchange with students from my university, including the old boyfriend. My husband saw me for me. It has been a long road, and sometimes I still wonder who I am, but my husband and I will be married 8 years in June.
Thanks for writing this!
Hey I gave you a blog award, well three of them! Haha. Check ot out on my blog when you get a minute
~Ida Mae
I often think what if kind of things as well. I completely agree with you on things happen for a reason.
I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but you're a better person because of it! It really does sound like you learned a lot about yourself and life by going through that period.
I'm so glad you and your husband were able to pull you out of that!
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