Alright. Watch me as I eat my words.
When I got into cloth diapering I saw gDiapers in BabiesRUs considered them, but I wanted to go home and research first. What I found was that gDiapers is a HUGE retailer in cloth diapers and that both turned me on and turned me off at the same time. There is something about the "small company" that really tugs at my heart strings. But there is also something to be said about a company who has such an amazing following.
I then read reviews and saw mixed reactions. Mostly I heard that they leaked. I immediately decided against them and went through the process of trying about 3 other types of diapers. As you may know from reading my blog, I fell head over heels for GroBaby (Now GroVia) diapers, and we still use them with great success.
Here's the thing, I can never settle. I always have to be trying new things. I have a friend who uses gDiapers on her son and has nothing but great things to say about them. This made me really curious. So over Christmas time while online shopping for gifts, I put a pack of gDiapers in my virtual shopping cart. Why not?
They came in the mail and went untouched until this week. I used the cloth inserts yesterday and found it easy to use. At first I was a little skeptical about the way you put them in the holder that snaps into the diaper. I wasn't sure they would stay and not cause a leak. I made sure to change Kirsten every two hours to help prevent leaking and check the absorbency of the insert. She never went longer than 2 hours with one insert inside the diaper, but no leaks! If I were to go out and use these diapers I would probably add another insert just in case. But really no problems, probably just as good as my GroVia diapers.
Today I decided to see how the Biodegradable Inserts worked. I use these with my GroVia diapers and like them. I like to use them when we are out so I don't have to bring cloth with me, I can just toss them. Again I was a little worried because I had to place the insert inside this little plastic lined holder. Will it stay put? Move around and cause leaking? I have used them all day, and even during nap time with no problems! Again I changed her about every two hours, but I was really happy with how they held up.
From what I can tell, the snap in layer has done its job in keeping the insert safely snug in the diaper. After the Biodegradable insert gets wet, it does shrivel up a bit, but the wetness stays within the area of the snap-in layer. I was pleasantly surprised that it worked... it is a little awkward to stuff a cloth insert or biodegradable insert into a little plastic feeling layer and hope it will hold pee or poo! Even with a little shifting, everything stayed put!
I guess my favorite part of these diapers are the fit. The diaper (size medium) fits very snug around her middle and legs. Never did it seem too tight or uncomfortable. Plus, it is a slim fitting diaper. I didn't have problems putting it over over clothing, which has always been a concern of mine. My husband always comments on Kirsten's "bubble butt," but had no idea she had on cloth when she wore the gDiapers!
Thumbs up gDiapers! And congrats on making me eat my words. I learned my lesson to base decisions on reviews (wait I'm writing a review....).

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