I took Kirsten out on Monday last week to the park because I was so sick of being in the house. Plus I can only take so much Dora the Explorer. "Tree, Bridge, Rainbow Mountain.... Tree, Bridge, Rainbow Mountain...."
I went ready for the cooler weather. I was just so excited that it wasn't -5 degrees I braved the 40 degree weather, and even wore running shoes. If you know me at all, you know I HATE SOCKS and HATE closed toe shoes. Odd, but true. I looked like a true "out at the park" mommy. Jogging stroller, stretchy jogging pants, Puma socks, and cute pink running shoes. (By the way, the socks and shoes have been worn once in the past year and a half). While walking the trails it was cold, and I thought of going straight home after our walk, but I knew I'd kick myself for not letting her go down a slide or two. Not only did we go down the slides, but she crawled ALL over that place. It really melted my heart to see her love the playground so much. She's a kid y'all!

We returned to the park, with daddy this time, yesterday. The weather was so much nicer, and even though it was crowded, it was a ton of fun. My husband even called a little girl a boy to her face. Score. Making friends everywhere we go.
But more importantly, Kirsten learned how to go down the slide head first.

Today we decided to meet my sister-in-law and nephews at the zoo. Kirsten slept about 80% of the time, but it was still awesome to get out and enjoy the great weather. It was 70 degrees! Holy crap! And not only did we see lions, tigers, and Nemo fish... but I successfully embarrassed myself by calling a little girl, "little dude." Seriously what the heck is wrong with us that we can't detect a girl at a public place? Wow.
This weather makes me so excited for what is to come. And hopefully we don't get knocked out by a parent because we can't tell if their kid is a boy, girl, or animal. I mean, at least I didn't call the kid a "little jerk." Right?

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