I am honored to announce my very first review and giveaway for MommyBurgh!!!
I am constantly on the look-out for more efficient ways to do things with my baby. From having a diaper bag with straps that hang from my stroller to a wet bag that holds in our stinky diapers with no problem. Well another major problem that I noticed early on in motherhood is the fact that babies drool... a lot. And have boogies... a ton of them. And that other stuff, you know, the stuff that is neither drool or boogies. At first I would use anything that was handy in order to wipe off all of those boogies and spit-up coming out of my baby, a burp cloth or even my shirt sleeve. As much as I love walking around with drool covering my shirt, I needed to find a solution.
Kirsten was very much a drooling, spit-up kind of baby. She also has rolls, lots of them. When she was only a few weeks old I noticed this stench coming from her 3 chins! I soon discovered that it was from formula that would get trapped under her chin when she would spit-up or drool it out while feeding. I couldn't carry around a wash cloth where ever we went, and of course using regular baby wipes was not an option (hello! alcohol!), so I took to the internet to find my solution.
My solution was Boogie Wipes. I checked out their website and just knew that these were going to be the answer to our problems. I hurried out to BabiesRUs and bought a few packages of them. When I returned home with my packages of wipes I was so excited to show my husband my fantastic find. "But they are just wipes right?" he said to me. "No! They are so much more! They not only clean up boogies, but they can be used on her face too!" I replied. He seemed skeptical, but I wasn't going to allow that to stop me from being so excited about these wipes.
As luck would have it, and a dash of irony, Kirsten got a cold that very week. Boogies everywhere. Sneezing constantly. And just an all around mess. I used baby q-tips to get the boogies out of her nose, but they can only do so much and go so far up her nose! And the boogies just kept coming! I think we went through 500 q-tips in a day! I immediately gave up on the q-tips and turned to my new package of Boogie Wipes.
These wipes helped us out so much when Kirsten had her cold. She had such a hard time breathing and they really cleaned up the boogies in and around her nose. Obviously using a regular tissue on a baby will cause their little nose to go raw (you know what I mean... I hate having a cold for this very reason). As I said before, the q-tips just were not working out for us either. I tried nose nasal aspirators that they use in the hospital, but it never sucked the boogies out! I tried two different brands with no luck. Boogie Wipes were my only friend!
I never hesitated to grab a Boogie Wipe and clean off Kirsten's face, under her chins, or her hands. She is certainly going through one of those phases where her hands are in her mouth 24/7, so it is very important to me that she has very clean hands! And now my husband is convinced that it is a great product and uses them all the time!
When I was still pregnant I took advantage of a super sale and bought tons of hand sanitizer. I thought, "we will need these because so many people will want to hold the baby!" Well I really changed my mind when I realized that the chemicals in many hand sanitizers are very unsafe for babies! So yet another use for our Boogie Wipes, I use them on my hands all the time! They get baby diaper rash cream off too! (We have all been there... you are out and about, slather on the diaper cream, and stand there thinking "now what??")

Lets talk about how the product works. Well if you use disposable baby wipes to clean your little one's bottom, then you are already a pro at using Boogie Wipes! They come in a very convenient package that looks just like disposable wipes and have a snap on top so that they don't dry out. They fit very well in any diaper bag! I have enough room for my Boogie Wipes, diapers, and my other wipes for Kirsten's bottom! It makes it very easy to grab them in a boogie emergency! You can also purchase individually packaged wipes. They are very small and can fit in pockets or purses!
I have been so excited about this product that I wanted to share it with all of my amazing readers and friends! I immediately contacted Boogie Wipes on Twitter and began showering them with compliments and telling them about the many ways I use my Boogie Wipes!
I then emailed the company and they immediately replied telling me they would love for me to do a review and giveaway! I was so excited! They sent me over a box filled with some goodies too!

Until I got my package from Boogie Wipes, I was only using one scent of the product. I used the unscented wipes because I was concerned about the scented being too much for Kirsten's skin. She had very dry skin when she was only a few weeks old, so I have always been careful about what I use on her face. In the box were samples of all of their scents. I figured I could use the scented ones on her hands, but in a pinch, needed to use them on her face. There was no reaction! Just a very fresh and fun smell! Other scents available are Great Grape, Magic Menthol, Fresh Scent and Unscented. I really liked all of the scents. I can imagine that Great Grape would go over very well with an older child too!
Buy Some Boogie Wipes: Visit Boogie Wipes website and purchase your own packages of the wipes.
You can also check for local retailers to find them in stores near you!
Join Boogie Bunch for $1 off coupon on Boogie Wipes!
So enough of my gushing... lets get on with the giveaway!
Giveaway Details!
Prize: Two (2) packs of 30 - count wipes! (great grape, simply unscented, magic menthol, and fresh scent, combination varies)
Make sure to leave your email if it is not provided so I can contact you if you win!
Mandatory Entry: In a comment, tell me which scent you would like to try the most and another way (other than wiping up boogies) that you would use your Boogie Wipes!
Extra Entries: (leave a comment for each of these entries)
1. Follow my blog on google connect (located on the right side of this page)
2. Follow me on Twitter: PGHmommy
please leave your Twitter usename
3. Follow Boogie Wipes on Twitter: BoogieMom
please leave your Twitter usename
4. Become a Fan of Boogie Wipes on Facebook.
5. Tweet the giveaway! You can tweet once per day for an additional entry each day. Make sure to leave me the url for the tweet!!!
Use this tweet or make up one of your own, just make sure to include url to my blog, PGHmommy and BoogieMom in your tweet!
"It's spring, that means allergies! Cure runny noses with Boogie Wipes! WIN them at http://tinyurl.com/yyba77q @pghmommy @boogiemom"
6. Grab my button (left side of this page) and put it on your blog for an additional TWO entries! (comment twice so you are counted twice)
7. Click and Vote for my blog (using the links on the top right of this page) on Top Mommy and Top Baby blogs. One entry for each vote, and you can vote once a day. Leave a separate comment for each vote!
Giveaway begins April 20, 2010 and ENDS on May 7th, 2010 at 5pm EST
Winner will be chosen at www.random.org
Boogie Wipes will be contacted with the winners name and address and will be sending out the prize within 30 days
Definitely the menthol scent, although the original is lovely (that's the one my friend had!)
blairbear111@gmail.com but you know how to find me when I win ;)
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& I follow Boogie Wipes on Twitter!
I'd like to try the Fresh scent. I have the Grape scent wipes, snd they smell great. In addition to wiping noses, I use them on her hands and face for a quick clean-up.
Already follow you on Twitter! @butterfly1979_
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I'd like to try the grape. nicolebuchalla@hotmail.com
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I love the mentho and original scents... but if I won, I'd need the unscented ones :( My son is allergic to fragrants. But I love boogie wipes and I always use them after feeding him solids. He's a little piggy!
I follow your blog!
Definitely would want the grape scent.
In addition to boogies, they are great for sticky hands.
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I'd love the grape ones! Oh...and I'd use them to clean up my Ju Ju Be diaper bags! They work great, and don't stain!!!!
aseipel at pmmilwaukee dot com
I'm now following you on Twitter! @mamatojj
aseipel at pmmilwaukee dot com
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aseipel at pmmilwaukee dot com
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aseipel at pmmilwaukee dot com
I would like to try the magic menthol scent. I use my boogie wipes on my own nose! Haha.
tangysweettart50 @ aol . com
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aseipel at pmmilwaukee dot com
I would like to try the Great Grape scent. I would also use the wipes to clean her face whenever dinnertime gets a little messy.
I follow your blog on Google Connect.
I follow you on Twitter @adthomas.
I follow Boggie Wipes on Twitter @adthomas.
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aseipel at pmmilwaukee dot com
I would like to try the frsh scent Boogie wipes
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Daily Tweet: http://twitter.com/adthomas/status/12797485846
I would love to try the grape scent. I would clean their faces and hands with boogie wipes in addition to wiping their boogs.
cheepievern at gmail dot com
I follow your blog via Google.
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I follow Boogies wipes on Twitter. TN: vernie_mac
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Original! And I'd use it for Sully's poor stopped up nose.
I follow you on twitter
The grape scent sounds yummy! And I'd use them to wipe Aric's face after he eats his solids. Boy is a messy eater and SCREAMS when I wipe his face!!
follow you on twitter (sticky41284)
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