So tell me, am I alone with this or does everyone else's husband do this?
Does something happen to husbands when they are with their friends and discussing their children that causes them to completely over exaggerate their duties? Do they just suddenly get it in their heads that they did a lot more than they actually have done?
My mom laughs at my dad constantly when he talks about when I was a baby. I was a realy awful, terrible baby. I screamed for probably about 7 months straight. My parents talk endlessly about how difficult I was and they thank God every day that I finally grew out of it (after 27 years, har har har). Well my dad will tells me about how he stayed up with me at night and did feedings, changed all of my diapers when they first got home because my mom was so sick after giving birth, and the hours of rocking me as I screamed until my head popped off.
According to my mom though, this never happened. She laughs every single time he tells these horror stories because she says that he never did these things. She said men tend to exaggerate when it comes to their children, the good and the bad. They want this badge for changing ONE diaper, when the wife changes the other 5,000.
I began to notice this with my husband. He will go through spurts of doing everything for Kirsten. He will insist on changing tons of diapers, feeding her, putting her to bed, and giving her a bath. It is a really awesome break for me! My arms breath this huge sigh of relief. But then it ends, and I don't see his enthusiasm for weeks. However, soon after he goes through his Super Dad spurts, he will go on and on to friends about all he does for Kirsten. "Oh I change he diapers all the time. Just yesterday I changed 4 diapers AND gave her a bath!" All of his guy friends "ooooh" and "aaaah" at his abilities to do it all with such ease.
And I just sit back and think... "well played hubby, well played."
My husband does some funny things.
For example, back when Turtle was way little, he would beg to take him out on weekend mornings. "Oh, we're just going to the bagel store" or he wanted to take him to the outside shopping mall. Why? Because all the moms who were out with their kids would be all "OMG, how wonderful you are! What a great husband! MY husband would NEVER give me a break and take the baby."
He's an attention whore. I'm getting him a shirt that says so.
haha my dh does the same!! I try to make rules so he changes one diaper a day or feeds her one meal out of 3 lol. we switch off every night for bath, so he tries but I feel like i'm forcing him!
LOL!! Yes..I know. My DH isn't so bad. But like yours, my dad has recently told me how he would get up with me at night when I was a baby - and knowing him, it's definitely not true!
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Your wee one is adorable, and a hockey fan already, its never too early to start!
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