I was always so scared to try having her sleep flat because is was such a huge failure when she was a newborn. We swaddled, played a sound machine, laid her on her side... everything, and she refused to lay on her back, flat in the bed. So we resorted to having her sleep in her car seat. She suddenly was a different baby and slept amazing. She would only wake up once a night, and now she sleeps through the night.
However, I really wanted her to sleep on her back, flat in her bed. No idea why, it just really bothered me that she needed to use something to help her sleep. It would just be so much easier when we are away, so we don't have to drag the wedge along with us! So this week we are trying to lay her in bed and see how she naps.
Well today was day one and it has been awesome! She woke up at 7:30am and we went downstairs for a bottle and play time. Around 9:30am she was ready for a nap and I was excited to give this new sleep routine a try. I took the nap nanny out of her bed and placed her on a soft blanket flat on her back. I then used her favorite blanket to cover he up. I snuck out of the room, and 40 minutes later she was awake! First nap a success!
The second nap happened shortly after I took a shower while she played in her bouncer. I fed her another bottle and she fell asleep, but woke up again by the time we made it upstairs. I tried to rock her and bounce her to get her to fall asleep again but she was wide awake. I decided I would lay her down and go blow dry my hair and see how it goes. I heard her cooing in the crib for a few minutes and then nothing. After drying my hair there was still silence! And now, 45 minutes later she is still asleep!
I am hoping this goes well all week. Maybe by the weekend we can try having her sleep this way over night. I would be so happy to have my baby sleep in her bed, without a wedge propping her up!
1 comment:
Yay Kirsten! That's awesome progress!
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