Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dancing Sober

I decided last night that going to Hip Hop Zumba was the best idea ever. I never took a Zumba class before, but I really like dancing in my living room, making up choreography to Katy Perry songs in my head, and especially getting down in a bar after a few drinks (okay so maybe that was more like 5 years ago, but I am known to get down every now then post baby).

So of course Zumba seemed like THE BEST and THE EASIEST workout ever!

ummmmm no.....

I went with complete confidence. I stood in the back row, because I wasn't THAT confident, but I felt like I could breeze through most of the moves. I was so wrong! Not only did I probably look like an idiot, I am sure a 90 year old woman would have danced circles around me in this class. I did every move wrong, I turned the wrong way, and almost smashed into the girl next to me at least 10 times.

I was sweaty. I was a mess. My cute ponytail I made at home before leaving was not a greasy mess! I soaked the cute new Victoria's Secret tshirt I bought. And I am 100% sure the guys lifting weights in the room next to us got a good laugh.

But you know what.... I had a wonderful time! I may have looked like a train wreck, and messed everyone up by going left when they went right, but I loved singing to all of the songs and just letting go! My teacher was wonderful and really encouraging. She acted goofy and really made me let loose, which I never do!

I really hope I can just let go from now on and see working out as something FUN and not a chore. I used to always see it as a chore and that is probably why I never did it. I bought so many videos and tried to eat right and do that whole thing... but it ALWAYS backfired! I would eat healthy for a day, then stop at taco bell and go crazy. I would join a gym then claim it was boring because I hate running.... come on its boring!!!!!!

I just have to shake things up... and shake my booty at Zumba again... maybe next week??

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