I realized I haven't discuss my cloth diapering experience in a while. So here we go, a cloth diaper update!
First, let me just say, we have been having a blast with our cloth diapers. I have yet to really run into a problem, and it has been so easy.

Alright, so what is new with our cloth diapers? I bought my first fitteds and wool covers. I was "followed" on Twitter by a really amazing company named
Sloomb (
Link) and decided to take a peek over at their site. From the start I was impressed. Small inventory, but I really loved the look of their diapers. The diapers are called
sustainablebabyish and come in a variety of snaps and snapless assortments.
I actually became interested in these diapers because we had yet to cloth diaper at night. I read that fitteds and wool soakers were the way to go, and Sloomb was awesome in helping me decide which would be the first to try.
The following is taken from their site (destription for the diaper pictured above):
sustainablebabyish overnight bamboo fitteds are soft and beautiful, made entirely of organic bamboo|cotton fleece with the soft jersey side out. perfect for day time use & the answer for nights. now with snap in soakers. each fitted includes a 3-layer bamboo fleece doubler.They come in four solid colors "natural, sprout, kirsche, and teal." Kirsten is a girly girl so we opted for the "kirsche" or pink color. When it arrived I was honestly so surprised by how soft it was. Seriously, I had NO IDEA cloth diapers could be this soft. I was so excited to try it out, but knew washing was in order first. I ran in through the laundry as I normally do with my diapers (I recently won a free sample of Rockin' Green "Hard Rock" Soap and gave that a try. Amazing product!!!!) by doing a gentle cycle and tumble dry. After two times in the tumble setting it was still a bit damp, so I hung it to dry in our laundry room and it was perfect after a short amount of time. I had to hang the soakers that came with the diaper as well, and those dried perfectly after hanging as well. I may just stick to hanging these diapers and soakers from now on.
Anyway.... these diapers require a cover, and I am not a cover user, so this was yet another realm of cloth diapering that was new to me. The obvious choice was to go with a sustainablebabyish cover, since I already had the diaper. The company was running a sale on their double layer organic wool covers so I snagged one immediately.

The cover came and again I was impressed by the quality. It is thick yet still very soft. I was a little hesitant about wool covers. Wouldn't they be itchy or uncomfortable on the baby? Turns out these are super soft, so I really had no worries. I washed it as I washed the diaper and was surprised by its fast dry time. No need to hang it, even though I may opt to do so since that is how I will be drying the diapers.
So now I was set and ready to try it out for the first time. After Kirsten's bath, instead of strapping a Pampers Baby Dry diaper on her, we placed the cloth diaper on her (by the way, the size small fits Kirsten very well, and even has room to grow, she is about 12lbs). Again, so soft, and much for form fitting than our regular cloth diapers. One major complaint with cloth diapers that I have is the bulk, and these were just as snug and slim as a Pampers disposable diaper.
I then put on the cover, which fit her very well, no gapping and it didn't appear too tight. Since she already had a bottom on, I decided to just place a long sleeved shirt over her. I asked this questions on Twitter, about what to do as far as jammies were concerned while using wool covers, and people told me to use a sleep sack. I really dislike sleep sacks, and so does Kirsten, so I needed another solution. I figured she wouldn't be cold, so the long sleeved shirt was fine.
We did our normal routine after that, and I placed her in bed, snug under her blanket. Now some babies are big night time wetters. Kirsten, however, really doesn't pee too much at night. I was a bit worried that she would feel wet while in a cloth diaper that was thinner than her regular ones, and then a wool cover, no type of liner to catch the pee. When I picked her up 7 hours later though, I immediately felt her bottom and it was completely dry. I felt under her and that was dry too. The outside of the organic double layer cover was dry!
I just took it off, along with the diaper, and put it in our wet bag. First night was a success! Obviously to be able to do this every night we would need more than one of each, but so far it has been fun to use the cloth diapers about every third night, when I get to laundry.
I fully plan to purchase more of the sustainablebabyish diapers and covers. They tend to be a little expensive, but the quality is amazing and worth the price. I really want to try to karate pants (pictured),

so that Kirsten can wear her diaper during the day. I also think the stretch wool covers will be perfect for the warmer weather that is fast approaching!
I am also very curious about how to care for my woolies now that I am investing in them. As I said, they tend to be expensive, so I really want to make sure I take care of them properly. While searching around on the Sloomb website I came across their recommended wool conditioner. It is called Pure Solid Lanolin by bella junction (pictured).

I really am in the dark (like most things) about the up-keep for wool covers, so I fully plan on investing in some of this as well!
I am extremely pleased with the quality of these diapers and really can't wait to try more of their stuff. Again, the fit is amazing and so slim. Kirsten wouldn't look like she has a majorly full diaper every time I put one on her! And I am just assuming she feels more comfortable.
I bought a few of the Thirsties brand fitteds and covers, due mostly to my obsession for cute patterns. I have only used them once, and so far like them a lot. I'll be able to write more on it later once we really give them a try!
I mentioned earlier about using Rockin' Green Soap. Here is a LINK to their product. If you have hard water like we do, they have a new solution for it, it's called Hard Rock!