I did some research and decided that I will begin my experience with two types of diapers. I will decide which is easiest, and go from there.

The photo above is the first type we are trying, Smarti Pants. They appear to be very easy to use, cost effective, and cute. They come in packs of 3, so I thought this was a great way to cheaply give some diapers a shot. They also come in cute colors, I just wish there were more designs! I also really liked that they are a one size fits all type of diaper. So when Kirsten is older she won't need a whole new set of diapers.
Next we have Best Bottom Diapers (seen above). These are WAY cute with some really fun colors. Again, they appear to be easy and cost effective. Sadly they didn't come in sets, but were generally not too expensive. I ordered two shells and a set of inserts. I wouldn't mind Kirsten wearing only these and some baby legs around the house, they look cute and comfy!
Also, as I posted earlier, I bought her two pairs of Monkey Doodlez swim diapers (seen above). They came in the mail and I am very anxious to give them a shot. I truly won't know how well they work until we are out and about at a pool for a few hours. But it'll be fun to put them on her and put her in the tub, just to see how they hold up with water.
I am not going cold turkey yet. I plan to just try them a few days a week and see how it goes. and night time she will wear a throw away diaper.
I'm super excited and can't wait to give these a try!
Good for you. I was afraid to CD when I had Olivia, but I have a few momma friends who CD and I've seriously considering it for baby #2. I like that there are a few different types out there and it's nothing like the old prefolds and diaper pins. Plus, they look freaking cute!
I guess I assumed they were like the old way, with the folds and pins. And doing research helped so much and it looks so easy.
Let me know how it goes! I really wanna try CDing, but my mom buys sposies for me and I'm trying to talk her into quitting so I can get some CDs
Yaaaaay! We love our CDs!!! They're awesome. I did lots of research before V was born and we've been CDing from the beginning. It's very easy and fun (yeah people think it's so weird when you're so excited about diapers). Anyway, I think you'll really love it. Have fun. :)
I have tried a few and I am slowly making the switch too. We got a bunch of one-size all in one's from theluvyourbaby.com and while the site is super buggy (like really slow to load!), the diapers are CHEAP and good quality. They remind me of the SmartiPants brand. It took them 5 weeks to come in, the people are in Canada.
Congrats! it really is a great change, stick with itand remember every family is going to have different diapering needs so if you dont like a diaper, try another :)
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