First things first, the poopy diapers. I dealt with my first poopy cloth diapers yesterday! We have been going part-time with the cloth so we had yet to run into the dreaded poopy diaper, but yesterday was the day! And boy did Kirsten go big! She had 4, yes count em, 4 poopy diapers yesterday, girl was on a roll!
We were out of the house when the first two occured. I was terrified! What in the world would I do with a poopy diaper while not at home?? Luckily, I had my Planet Wise wet bag with me (kisses their butts repeatedly). I had stacks of clean diapers inside the dry section, and was excited to finally use the wet section for something other than pee diapers!
I layed Kirsten down and unsnapped the diaper (for the record we were using the Smarti Pants at the time). Inside was just globs of poo. I thought to myself, "how in the world will I deal with this? The instructions online all say to just dump it out and put on a new diaper??" In theory reading about dealing with a soiled diaper seemed very easy. Every site only mentioned dumping out the diaper, put the insert and shell away, and place a new diaper on and GO! This all seemed to easy to me, until I had to deal with the first real poop diaper!
So there I was, trying to figure out what to do with poo that in no way would just "dump" out of the diaper. I remember reading somewhere about scraping it off. Without any proper scraping devises I simply reached for my wipes and began wiping off as much as I could. I tossed out the wipes and just folded up the diaper as neatly as possible. I then tossed it into my handy dandy wet bag!
In the back of my mind I thought, this is surely not going to fly each time! How could I walk around with soiled diapers and will the poo ever come off the diaper? Well we had one more poo diaper while we were out, and I followed the same proceedure as before, and just merrily went about my day with two poopy diapers in my bag. *for the record, I never smelled the diapers at all when they were in my bag!
I got home later that day and decided I needed to deal with the diapers that evening, I didn't want poopy diapers sitting around waiting for the next wash. We had three at the time (2 Smarti Pants and one GroBaby), and a few pee diapers, so I just tossed everything into the washer machine. I opened up the poopy diapers before putting them in the wash, and added the detergent. I used Greenworks Free and Clear detergent. I ran the washer on warm and hoped for the best.
When I moved everything from the washer to the dryer they appeared to be clean. I saw no stains. After tumble drying twice, I opened the dryer to find all the diapers were as good as new, no stains at all! I was so shocked! I expected some stains, since I didn't do a great job of scraping off all the poo and just tossed them into the wash!
Hopefully my luck continues with this, because Kirsten already soiled yet another diaper!
And now for the Easter basket portion of the post! (good transition eh?)
I was extremely torn about what to get Kirsten for Easter. She's a baby, so she really won't care what she gets, but I wanted it to be something she would enjoy using soon.
I have been doing research lately on organic toys. I realized everything we had was hard and plastic, and I wanted her to have something maybe a little safer. She is already shoving her little fists into her mouth so it's only a matter of time before she gets ahold of toys and puts them in there.
I found an Etsy shop that sells really awesome felt toys. She makes baskets full of letter and numbers made of felt, and they are beyond cute!
I also bought her some fruits and veggies made of felt too. Baby's first garden!
Well, I bet that was an adventure. :)
I really don't ever recall small babies poops smelling. But, when Kirsten gets older, watch out. I hope your wet bag can hold up to toddler poop. LOL :)
Olivia was 3 months old last Easter, so we didn't really get her anything. This year, I bought her a Pottery Barn basket. ADORABLE. I also heard great things about the Tag Junior reading system. So, I picked one of those up for her. Plus, so Peeps because she loves marshmallows.
We got her a pottery barn basket too! They are beyond cute!!
And her poops stink so bad! But yeah not quite as bad as a toddler! oh my... i may need to order a super duper wet bag!!!
We got disposable inserts for the diapers... we will probably use those on outings to avoid the smelly poo situation again!
can you share the etsy stores??
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