I get asked often about the Nap Nanny and wanted to write a review about it....
Kirsten showed signs of needing to be inclined early on, even while in the hospital. They would position the little basinet so that it was tilted, to help her with her spit-up issues. I took notice of this and asked the nurses for their advice, they told me tricks to use such as inclining her mattress or finding a wedge to use in the bed. I was not sure, considering I was a first time mom, and decided to take her sleeping issues day by day.
Well the first two weeks were awful, and needless to say, sleepless. She woke up every hour and really struggled with laying flat, even while swaddled, in her bed. I knew we needed to try inclining her like they did in the hospital, but was clueless as to what to do. We tried rolling up towels and placing them under the mattress, but she would slide down further in the bed and wake up immediately.
One restless evening I had enough and put her in her car seat, and it was as though a light clicked in her head! She was sleeping well! Why did I not think of this before??
We quickly found out that an incline was best for her, hence the car seat solution.
I didn't want her in the car seat to sleep all night, I wanted her stretched out more, so I ordered the Nap Nanny. How did I find the Nap Nanny? Well after hours of research I came across it on the BabiesRUS website. It looked really comfortable and extremely spacious. This appealed to me because many products for babies are so quickly outgrown, but this item was advertised for use by infants to toddlers! Perfect!
Anyway, we tried it when we got it in the mail and she was a bit small for it. It's wide enough for kids who are older to use so she sort of flopped to the side (even while strapped in) and would wake up.
I decided to wait a few weeks to try it again, and continued to use the car seat. I felt like such a bad mommy, but Kirsten slept so well in the car seat that it was hard to resist. I loved being able to sleep for 6 or 7 hours straight! Sometimes mommies tend to be a bit selfish in that regard!
So around 4 - 5 weeks we tried the Nap Nanny again and you know what, it worked out well! She really enjoyed it. We started out slowly by only using it at nap time, and then slowly transitioned her to it at night. Eventually she got used to her new bed, and her sleeping patterns went back to being amazing.
I did add a Snuzzler, an infant positioner that we use in the car seat, to help with the transition, and I do believe that is what the key was to our successful transion.
A really great feature about the Nap Nanny is that it is easy to carry around (due to it being made of a foam, it is extremely light weight). I can place it on the floor and allow her to play and snuggle up inside. She loves laying in it in the evening and watching television with us!
Also, it comes in really cute colors for the covers! I highly recommend getting two covers, babies tend to cause a mess on everything you own!
1 comment:
Great review! Don't feel bad about letting her sleep in the carseat. Both my girls slept in an extra carseat we had. I took the straps out and folded up a fleece blanket to make it more comfortable. They both had GERD, but were able to sleep in the carseat. Our Pediatrician didn't think anything wrong with it because they didn't spend much time in a seat during the day. I'll have to check out the Nap Nanny for our next baby due in November.
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