Yesterday Kirsten was 10 weeks old. My little sweet baby is getting so big! She is able to do so many things, interact with us, stick out her tongue when I stick mine out at her, and talk talk talk! Her favorite thing to do is talk. She holds conversations with anything that will listen... me, Todd, the dog, her fish on her bouncer, Mortimer the Moose on her car seat...
But with getting older and bigger comes some challenges, and this time it was in the form on needles going directly into her thighs.
I was able to stay home with her all day, so I tried really hard to keep her happy and smiley all morning. We played a lot, I stuffed her full of formula, and we just spent some quality time together. I knew my baby would be different after this appointment, and I wanted to remember the good times.
We headed out to her appointment and were greeted by her favorite receptionist. This girl is always so pleasant and sweet. She talks to Kirsten in a baby voice, which usually annoys me, but I knew Kirsten needed all of the love she could get on this particular day.
We went back with the nurse and had a regular check-up...
Height: 21 2/3inches
Weight: 11lbs 4oz
Height percentage: 10%
Weight percentage: 50%
So basically Kirsten is normal with weight, but going to be a little shorty. With a mom who is only 5'0, she really doesn't have a prayer!
Anyway, after the pleasant stuff, it was time for the shots. After the doctor checked her out, the nurse returned with her shots. I was so scared for her. The poor thing layed on the table in just her diaper, how humiliating! First she took an oral medicine, which she sucked down and enjoyed. And then it was time for the needles. Oh the needles! They appeared to be 10 ft long! At least in the eyes of a mommy who wants to do nothing but protect her sweet little girl.
Honestly, she did fine. It took her a moment but she began to scream and get all red faced. I immediately scooped her up after the nurse placed two Crayon Band-Aids on her little legs. I cuddled and squeezed her, and she eventually calmed down. I carried her out to the front desk to make a new appointment. We picked out a Dora the Explorer sticker, and were on our way home.
She screamed the whole way home. I am convinced it was mostly due to the sun in her eyes and the amazing amounts of traffic. I got her inside and immediately made a bottle and gave her some infant Tylenol. The bottle appeared to sooth her, but she refused to be placed down. I tried the bouncer, her nap nanny, and swing, and none of it worked. Of course, as if her day couldn't get any worse, her swing broke. The thing just decided to stop swinging! New batteries couldn't resurrect the poor thing, so we had to just do without her beloved swing. I felt so bad for her. The one friend she has in this world and it wasn't there for her when she truly needed it.
We decided to just cuddle on the couch, and she slept for about an hour on my sore, tired arm. She fought sleep for a few more hours, and finally was out cold in her car seat around 8pm. She slept until 7:30am.
This morning my little girl is doing much better. We had breakfast in bed and I turned on her favorite, Blue's Clues. Today we plan to take her to the park for the first time, a special day for our brave little girl.
So who are shots worse for, mom or baby? My vote, mom!
Shots are absolutely worse for mom. When she screamed during her 2 month shots, I sobbed. Like absolutely sobbed. I felt like such a wimp.
At the four month appointment I was smarter and didn't look her right in the eye and had a bottle ready to calm her down.
Congrats on making it through the 2 month vaccines.
After going through 6 pedi appointment's involving shots, it does get easier every time. Eventually, she'll give that nurse the evil eye like Olivia does because she KNOWS whats coming. LOL :)
BTW, how did you design your new blog? Its awesome.
so much harder on mom! the couch cuddle probably made it all better.
My little Taylor's 2 month appointment is next Tuesday. Thanks for your post, I'll do my best to prepare!! :)
Your daughter is GORGEOUS!!!
Shots are the worst thing ever.
Thanks so much!!!! She is such a little doll! I can't get enough of her haha!!
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