I ordered a Moby wrap from The Gap 2 weeks ago and have been slowly using it since it has arrived. We have a Baby Bjorn and I thought the Moby appeared more difficult to use, but after hearing so many good things about it, I was curious.
I tried the first hold, the Newborn hold, and got good results. I found it a little hard to fit her into the side pocket, the first step, and then pull the other side over. But after loosening the wrap a bit I was successful. Kirsten likes this hold... only I wish it didn't keep her legs in the "fetal" position the whole time, I wish there was an option to have her feet out. She likes to feel nestled in, but sometimes wants to still stretch out a bit.
Knowing this, I moved on to the Hug hold. This was great and very much like how the Baby Bjorn works. Her legs were able to dangle, yet she was still pressed tightly against me. However, this hold has her head sticking out a bit more, which meant it was sort of flopping around as I moved about the house. I'm sure I could modify it so her head is cradled a bit more, or have her sitting a bit lower on my body.
I will keep exploring the holds and keep practicing, as a beginner I feel I am doing an okay job.
My only complaints:
1. I tied it tightly against my body and having the wrap tight against me made it difficult to put baby in the holds. Even after loosening the folds, as the instructions point out. However I fear wrapping it with a tad more slack from the start will only make it unsafe for baby.
2. The wrap is so long. It was easy to put it on at home where I could lay it out and have enough room to spread it out to fold in half. How will I go about using it in public? Suggestions? Doesn't seem easy to do while baby is screaming and in need of the cradle hold in the middle of the mall right?
Maybe I will take it to the mall and give it a test run.
We are going to a birthday party tomorrow (Jackson's 1st birthday!) and I want to bring the wrap in case she gets fussy. I just hope people don't stare at me thinking, "wow look at her try to put her baby in that thing!"
I feel the same way about putting it on! I thought it would be great to use during grocery shopping but then pictured myself struggling to wrap it on me in the parking lot :( The other day I actually wrapped myself up before leaving the house, stuck him in his car seat untill we arrived then voila...I'll be curious to see some other suggestions!
The video I watched on youtube didn't have me fold it in half. Instead, they have you "bunch" the material. This is a lot easier when putting the moby on quickly. I have also put it on in advance of leaving the house and then put Ella in when we got to our destination.
I've heard that on shorter people it's like crazy long. My friend who is your size loved her BabyHawk. She let me borrow it, but it's too short for me (I'm tall). I think the Babyhawks are easier to put on, also.
I loved wearing and holding my babies in those early months (and to those of you who think this is coddling, do you really think that you can spoil a newborn?) but as my husband and I had more kids, sometimes you needed your hands and had a baby that needed soothing.
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