Kirsten has been such a cranky baby the past 2 days! What happened to my sweet little munchkin????
I am chalking it up to a growth spurt, and hoping she gets over it within a day or so. She has been crying non-stop during the day and just appearing very unsettled. She does have her good moments and I appreciate them so much more now.
Just today I was playing with these rolling balls with her. They have texture on them and are suppose to encourage crawling. I realize she won't be crawling for a while, but any little things helps right? I like that they are super colorful, so maybe it is just another thing for her to focus on.
Speaking of focusing... she focuses well on things. She stares at the tv, will look directly at items above her on her play mat, and watches the toys on her car seat handle. However... when I put things below her eye sight, she won't look down at them. It seems she only really does side to side and up. No down. Is this normal? I shake a rattle bellow her, around where her hands are, and she continues to look side to side or up. I put it in her hands and she doesn't look down at her hands at the objects. She will shake it a bit and sort of feel it, but generally has no interest. So is it normal for them to not really get the grasping thing yet? Again I assume this is all stuff to come within the next few weeks. She does grasp stuff... just not on her own. And she could care less about what is in her hand. Hmmmmmm
Kirsten has also totally given up on rolling over. Maybe when she did it before it was a fluke? haha! She is more interested in spreading her arms far apart and lifting herself up. She can lift her head up fairly high, so I guess she is still making good progress.
Its so funny that we as mommies focus so much on milestones. We constantly ask "what is your kid doing" or get madly jealous when a mommy brags about what their kid could do at a certain age. I hated moms like that, but I can understand why they do it. Its exciting! But I really try to keep myself from bragging too much. I realize they are babies, and all babies are different and will reach certain milestones differently. Kirsten could roll over at 3 weeks. Maybe she won't walk until after the age of one to make up for being awesome at so many other things! Who knows. But its all up to her!
I hope she stops being cranky. She keeps rubbing her left eye, which we found out has a birth mark on it, and it gets super red when she is tired. Its really cute, because its almost like she is giving me a visual clue as to what she is thinking. I heard it goes away eventually. Which I am grateful for, I'd hate for her to have a red eye lid the rest of her life! Then again, she won't have to worry about eye shadow!! (ba-zing!)
A few sites to check out....
Sweetie Pie TuTus
Bellas Bowtique
Marlee doesn't grasp at her rattles, but she sure grabs ahold of my hair! And she hasn't rolled over since before...ugh!
All those cute baby toys like rattles never got used because Olivia never got interested in them. The only thing she loved as a newborn was her mobile we put on her changing table. Since she was there a lot, I'd always make it go around and it helped her eyes follow things better.
Good to know!!! I have like 10 different rattles or things for her to grab and she's like "no thanks!" hahaha
Cutest picture ever!!!!!!!!!!
I'm your newest follower...AND...I saw that you follow mine! I was so excited! I love the picture! It's so cute!
Hello new follower!!!!!!!!
Oh my, that picture is adorable! I just love her little expression! Hope the cranky spell ends soon :(
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