Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Kirsten loves TV

My baby loves the tv. Yeah I said it, my kid loves the television and I don't care!

She is currently sitting in her car seat, facing the tv, watching Blue's Clues. And she is interacting with it! She keeps cooing and laughing at the show! Good thing I don't find this show entirely annoying, or this would be a major problem. Her eyes are so huge, as Steve and Blue go searching for clues. She will then make a "ooooh!!" sound and never take her eyes off of it. There is this high pitched bouncey sound and she is trying to mimick it too!

I really had no idea babies could even pay attention to the tv for this amount of time. She woke up, I put her in her seat to leave the house, and now she is totally taken with this silly show.

The little things she does amazes me.

She has been so easily amused lately and it is really fun to watch. I make these sounds and act silly around her and she gets the biggest smile on her face. Having the ability to make your kid laugh is truly awesome. Most people will probably read that and think, "big deal, you made your baby laugh." But to a parent, it is the single most amazing thing to see and hear. Her laugh isn't quite developed yet, and she usually just fake coughs when she is trying to giggle, but the smile is what kills me!

I used to walk by portrait studios with children sitting in rediculous outfits and their parents jumping around and screaming, trying to get just one smile out of them. I would laughand think, "these people are nuts!" Well no, they aren't, they're typical parents. We all want to play dress up and get that money shot... the big smile. It is so heart warming to be the one to make your baby smile!


mk said...

omg. my maddi loves tv too. its so bad, that if its on when shes in the room she will cry until i put her in a position where she can see it!

Fina said...

Lily loves TV, too! PBS is doing pledge week right now, and they just put on some odd show that I've never seen before. It had a bunch of goofy adults singing and dancing and Lily was completely captivated by it! I was like an acid trip on TV. Apparently it's called, "The Dirty Sock." She interacts with "Super, Why!" all the time. She'll dance at the end of the show when the other characters dance, and tries to talk to them. The other day she went up the the TV, and gave Kim Kardashian a kiss... It's amazing what kids do. I try not to tell too many people that I let my infant watch TV, though... that seems to be frowned upon, haha.

Lauren said...

Ok, so I could have written that post. It's crazy Lauren is the same way with the tv. Thankfully she likes crappy reality shows like her momma :)

Erika said...

hahaha! yeah kirsten loves 16 & Pregnant!