Thursday, March 4, 2010

a new video

Kirsten has really been amazing me lately. I hate being that mom who thinks their child is advanced or gifted, but her development has been amazing.

Today Todd was cooking dinner so I placed her in her Summer Infant Super Seat and talked to her and jiggled some toys in her face. She did her usual looking around, not really paying attention to anything in particular, and some smiling. But then she started saying "oh!" and I repeated it back to her. I read in my books that babies learn best from repetition and "call response" type games. I started to say it back to her more and more and soon she would make a HUGE "o" with her mouth and say "OH!" It was amazing. At one point she said "oh" three times in a row, I said it, she repeated then giggled!!

I am really loving playing with her now. It has been so much more fun since she is focusing on things and starting to want to play, instead of eat/sleep/poop/repeat.

So here is the video!!!!


Amy said...

Too cute!

Seriously, it gets so much more fun. I loved every stage Olivia went through even better than the last. Right now she's starting to form words weekly. Its awesome.

lelah said...

CUTIE PIE! Erica, she is so sweet!