Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mommy Filter?

I will be the first to admit that I turn to the internet to answer all of my questions. I was never really into sharing until I got pregnant, and now that Kirsten is here, my filter is officially gone.

While pregnant I talked about every single thing that happened to my body. I shared photos of my growing belly, and discussed gas more than a woman ever should.

And now that Kirsten is apart of the family, I share everything. My Facebook is covered in photos of her doing every little thing possible, I turn to message boards and talk about her poop regularly, and discuss my "aunt flow" openly on Twitter.

I wonder, at what point will discussing such things get old? Or at what point will Kirsten turn to me and say, "mom, can you please stop discussing my life on the internet?"

At what age will people stop caring about how I raise my child? When will this whole "blogging about being a mommy" thing need to stop and I'll have to come up with a new "gimmick?"

I think about this often. Will blogging about a mommy ever get old? Is there a line between over sharing and just talking about normal parenting stuff, but more importantly, will I ever cross it?

As moms we feel this need to over share. I go to the mall and listen to the other "mall mommies" talk over each other about what their baby is doing, what milestones they hit, at what age they were able to do certain things, the color of their kids' poop, etc etc.... The filters are obviously off and these women are just in their glory. Maybe they can't discuss this stuff with their husbands, and they just can't wait to get to the mall and spill their guts about what their baby is doing. I also think there is a huge sense of competition, but I do think it stems mostly from moms just needing to over share with one another.

I guess my biggest question though is, when will I stop feeling this need to over share about my daughter? Does it ever end, or just change forms? As in, we go from talking about poop to discussing their coloring skills, to ballet classes, to how they did on their Algebra test.

Hopefully I will still feel the need to talk about my life, and the amazing journey of being a mommy. But then again, when Kirsten starts using the internet, I may need to change my concept on here. Hmmmmm.... maybe I need to look into baking....


Anonymous said...

Wow, good post!! I wonder when I will too? I am always google-ing or reading message boards about things... I'll even skip ahead to the next month's board to see what we're in store for. But at least we all do it. Maybe when everyone phases it out I will start to also.

Fina said...

I think it's just that you want to share your life, and a HUGE part of your life is being a mom. I know I've tapered off how much I talk about Lily, largely because I don't want to come off as the mom that's all "look at what my kid can do!" I do see how it can get really competitive, especially if you know someone with a child who is very close in age with your own (I have a friend who has a daughter a week older than Lily and I can't help but try to compare them). Still, there are some things I can't help but share, like that Lily started walking a few weeks ago!

But you will probably never stop talking about your child. She's your kid and you will always be proud of her and want to talk about her, which is great! It will just move to bigger stuff over time :-)

Erika said...

I admit I am a constantly researcher. I feel this need to feel connected to other moms constantly. Its really a sickness.

CaneWife said...

The day I can no longer talk about poop is going to be a sad day. Saaaad.

Great post, though. I think as our babies grow up (although they will always be our babies), we are going to find new things to blog about, still child-related.

It will be harder because they're not going to want every facet of their lives documented on the internet for all the world to see, but we'll find a way.